just so you all know, soon we will not be updating this blog with the fervor that we currently are. or at least i won't be. this is probably one of those things that i will do way too much of too soon, and then get totally burned out. i am like that. anyway, i wanted to say that amazon.com rules. i went and modified a bunch of my settings and whatever on there, and they are amazing. i bet that it would be really fun to work for them. come up with services that people would wand and then use what i imagine is a very extensible database infrastructure to construct whatever. so the main thing that impressed me today is a new option for the about you area, where you can share with others the purchases that you have made. if ever you mark that you own something that you view at amazon.com, you can show other people that you own that item, and write a mini-review of it (comments) and rate it. pretty cool. well, that is my rant for the 'evening'. perhaps i will clean some more now. or perhaps i will sit around and listen to stereolab. i bet you know which one is winning right now.
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