so i don't know about everyone else... but since i have no shame, i feel perfectly fine posting all of my random thoughts and ramblings on this blog rather than starting my own personal one that others can't contribute to or whatever. also, this way i get to be really lazy about the whole thing and not try to set up my own (cause frankly, i don't think that i could come up with a title as 'clever' as most of the other blogs out there -- and god forbid i should accidentally duplicate one). anyway, that was a preface to me saying that i am going to grow my locks back out. i think that it will be really fun. it was a great 'haircut'. but this time i am going to try and keep them more clean. while i never really noticed (prolly cause they were on my head and i got used to them or whatever) everyone else seemed to think that they smelled bad. well, this time i am going to not be such a slob and shower semi-regularly (sorry, but that is as good as a promise as i can make), so they should stay more 'under control' as far as stench and whatnot. it has already started. it will of course be a while before they are really beautiful -- that and the fact that my hair is still really short -- but i am willing to wait. it is the coolest (so i of course don't care what you think about them...).
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