Saturday, December 20, 2003

I come bringing news of Fisch . . . who is NOT in england as originally assumed. He DID fallin love with this girl when he was in new york, and he is CERTAIN that she is the one for him. He DID got to england to see her for a bit (I believe) and they came back to DRIVE across the country. She FLew back to the UK from San Fran and then he drove across the US to get back to Florida. When he FLEW back to the UK, where she is a pharmacy student, actfer a huge order he was NOT ADMITTED into the country. At this point he RETURNED to florida where he has been spending his time trying to figure out how he will be REUNITED with this love of his life. He'll be in town in JANUARY so I'll talk to him more then.

In other news, I took care of a shit ton of paper work at Harrison today. Then I went to the school to talk to some people, and was there until 3pm. There is all this shit they gave me to read before I teach, to make me a better prof and all. Good stuff I guess. I'm looking for a ~$2500 Mercedes-Bezn 300D from 1980 or so. I might try to get my Dad to got in on it with me. The only problem is that I have looked around to try to find the mpg for this car, and I haven't found anything all that great. I know that the gas engines got in the mid twenties, so I'm assuming the turbo diesel will get the high stwenties and low thirties, but I want to see it. Plus I'm looking for a tank size. Neither of these things I have found on das internet, meaning . . . I haven't looked hard enough yet, because it has to be out there. Talk to you later, time fr bed.



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