Thursday, February 19, 2004

Our crack team of researchers has done it again.

Martin and I were off giving checks to GSU the other day (sure its a two man job. specially with the man trying to give martin parking tickets and tow his car away. but thats a whole nother story. one of high speed chases and gun fights and helicopters and other things contained in stories of that nature.) So after we finished up at GSU, martin took some backward ass roundabout way of getting home, (or maybe it was on the way there) anyway we passed some sort of Ga Pacific building, in front of which were a bunch of guys holding a biiiig sine that said "Labor Dispute: Shame on Georgia Pacific" which was confusing, cause no one really told us why GP should be so shameful.

But this morning, I happened to find a flyer on the bus for a "carpenters rally".

Apparently, Georgia Pacific is Desecrating The American Way of Life! Can you imagine my shock and surprise to discover that this horrible allegation has been alleged against GP, allegedly?

What a bunch of bastards. how dare they Desecrate The American Way of Life. But dont worry. The Reverand Al Sharpton, vanguard of The American Way of Life has come to The American Way of Life's defence. He'll be the key note speaker at this carpenter's rally against georgia pacific and the Desecration of The American Way of Life. Which was yesterday. So hopefully, the raleigh was successful and the Desecration of The American Way of Life has been stopped and now everybodys happy and we can all go home now and have a big ham sandwich with lots of mustard.

So the moral of this story is:
EAS2601 is one helluva boring class
If youre going to Desecrate The American Way of Life, then you'd better goddamned know that this sort of thing used to be civilized.
The End


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