Tuesday, April 20, 2004

huh. i hit the blog on a lark -- figuring it was still inexplicably broken. but no.

anyway, almost all of my shit is moved in to the new apartment. it's all over the fucking joint, which i'm sure is irritating martin about as much as it is me. i think that soon i'll have the time and mental faculties to deal with it. maybe tonight.

anyway, the commute rocks the fucking house. i wake up about 15 minutes before i need to be at work now. noonch. the view is also awesome. our northern exposure is basically guaranteed to not be obstructed (whoa, split infinitive.. tsk), thanks to an actively used parking lot next door. the bandwidth rules. basically the apartment is much better than i gave it credit for. the shower is still too big for my tastes, but it doubles as a lap-track.

living in the city has its (slight) disadvantages. the one i've been confronted with recently is the temptation to eat out all the time, which my wallet has beef with.

other than that, though, things are pretty rockin. tonight i will assemble the solvent cabinet transportation solution and organize some of my massive stacks of bullshit. if only i could bring myself to throw it all out the window.


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