Saturday, June 05, 2004

So, actually, I cannot stand writing in the third person on personal comentary. Technical documents, no problem. Blogs and emails, problem. So, four way Gameboy on your GBA sounds pretty damn fun. The final fantasy chronicals sounds more interesting in the use of the GBA than the four Links. I must say, I thought the best use of the controller info screen was the Dreamcast with the NFL game that used the memory card visible on the controller to control plays. That was cool. I hate football. I hate football games even more and I thought that was cool.

Speaking of sports, it sucks that Martin is not going to be doing any more for a while. Awww.... sucks to be you. Karma. You should have stayed at the hotels and gotten drunk with us and stumbled your way around the room in the middle of the night and torn your acl on a piece of furnature instead of playing in a tourney. Thats just my opinion. But, really, that just sucks. Are you going to be on crutches for a while? Are you going to be under doctor's orders to take it easy and play video games for a while?

Anywho, if you need me, just email me and I'll try to get in touch with you. My cell phone I think has taken critically ill. Booo. Hope everyone is liking their new digs at the robot factory (Is that its correct term?).



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