Thursday, June 24, 2004

well, martin. it sounds like you need to buy a whole shitload of gifts for the peeps that you're staying with in denver. all of the karma beefing that you did on the way seems to be paid back already. before you try to stay with some strange white supremacist in idaho, you're gonna want to buy someone a gold watch.

sounds like the trip is working out as it should be, though. when you get back you'll have traveled the 'lower 48' in a car, so the next plan of action is for us to start hopping freight trains with a hankerchief on a stick slung over our shoulders and a dime in our pockets. plus inflation.

i'm glad that things appear to be in order despite some hiccups in the beginning. you know, i was trying to fix your god-forsaken computer yesterday/day-before-ish, and saw your phone charger plugged into the wall. 'he must have one of those car-jacks,' i thought. WRAWNG. OUR PRINCE-ASS IS AIN ANOTHER HAUWSE. BA-BYE!

so car trips are like acid trips? you're terribly deep and fantastically complex, but have no means of expression. then when you come back, you have no idea what happened.


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