Thursday, September 09, 2004

The media folks went gaga over the quarterlife crisis thing a few years ago. This coincided with the release of the book Quarterlife Crisis, which I believe describes the unfillment we 20 somethings have been experiencing. I haven't read the book but apparantly the author believes the quarterlife crisis is fairly widespread.

I wake up many days filling unfulfilled with my work. I think for me, I feel that I am utterly replaceable sometimes, and that I could train a monkey to do what I do. Then I think that training monkeys sounds fun and that I should look into becoming a monkey trainer.

I believe this phenomenon comes from having too many choices and feeling like we need to make the right decision right now or we're going to screw up our life for the next ten years. That is my unsubstantiated theory.

In other news, I shot my first handgun the other day. I went to a shooting range with Ryan and his Dad and shot Ryan's .22 something or other. I shoot to the left. At least when the gun is sighted for Ryan.


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