Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I ran on Sunday. I'm averaging about a run a week. How pitiful.

Speaking of pitiful. I endured my second loss in fantasy football in an epically average scoring battle, loosing out to Caucasian Persuasian with a score of 121 to 113. On a high note, the only team that could catch me for the division lead was defeated, thus I have secured first place. I have officially turned a medicore profit off of fantasy football! Something like $20. Whoopee!

So I was doing a little research into Diplomacy and it seems the consensus among Diplomacy scholars is that Italy is probably the hardest country to play for novices. Not that I'm trying to make excuses...wait, of course I'm making excuses. Regardless, I feel I have everyone right where I want them. Suckers.


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