Tuesday, April 05, 2005

So, I'm watching Spanglish, which is an o.k. movie. It isn't captivating my interest so much that I can't do anything else, but it isn't that bad.

News on the Chowning front is that she seems to be getting better. Sorry I can't be there tonight.

I've been reading a lot of articles about the expansion of video game graphics and how that is "killing" certain types of games. Basically they are all saying that as we develop better graphics we require more hours to code for them, and more space to put them in so games are getting smaller and budgets are getting larger. All in all it is spelling doom for the industry . . . or so they are saying.

I don't really know if that is the case. There are a few gems in the rough, quality games that don't have too large a budget, and aren't pressing on great graphics to push them through. Nintendo seems to be making a trade of those types of games. The underlying question is can those games sell enough to compete with the large budget thrilllers? Is it really a problem of larger budgets and shorter games if that is what people are buying??

I don't really know where this conversation ends. In my own world I like to think that the small market games (can I really call Nintendo a small market) will survive because of quality. But for the most part I am just regurgitating that which I have read on different sites.

While reading (still) the book Jeremy got me I wonder if Japan has the same issues. Maybe I should talk to mikez0r about what games are big in Japan. For some reason I get the feeling that they are more interested in quality game rather than just big productions (that isn't to say that quality can't be big budget). I think released of Gitaroo man and that game where you roll around in a ball are evidence of that.

Then perhaps it is something uniquely American about the overdevelopment of the big budget/big graphics games? I'll have to spend more time thinking about this during the summer.

Meanwhile, in my quest to end all games, I'm trying to use some of this time I have with a sick girlfriend to finish a Zelda game that I have on the GBA. Wish me luck . . . if we could ever read this . . . because komodo is broken . . . *ahem* looking at you Matt . . . possibly while . . MY BRAIN!!



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