Saturday, November 19, 2005

La Serena, Chile

Not much new happening. Chile is still expensive. Went star gazing in the desert. It was quite nice. Chile has several things going for it that make it a good place to see the stars. They have laws which limit light pollution, deserts that have many clear nights out of the year, and big ass mountains that raise the veiwer to the thinner atmosphere. The southern hemisphere starfield is different than that in the north. There are a few cluster galaxies that one can see with the naked eye as well as the southern cross. All in all, having fun moving on.

I am currently reading the fire and ice series and would recommend it to others who like knights and such fantasy. It was quite entertaining. I have the next two books in the series waiting for me.

I look forward to a healthy crack addiction when I return to the video game mecca.


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