Friday, December 23, 2005

Well, I have made it to Branchville, NJ, where my uncle Bill and aunt Monica live. It is way not-in-the-city, but I must say that it does feel a lot like home. The converstational timing, and way that things get handled feels very comfortable. I actually had a different post from the atrium at the Charlotte airport, however that post didn't make it through the wireless for some reason. I'll post it some other time.

NYC has a lot of graveyards. I got to see many of them while I was flying over the city. My flights were good, as Matt had intimated the night before, I spent my time sleeping on the second flight. When I got to LGA there was a driver ready to pick me up. From that point it was a 2 hour drive to get to Newton, where I was going to meet Bill at a diner, and then drive another 30 minutes to get to his house. It was hard not to feel like I was a package being handed between carriers. The people here look like what I remember, at least on some level. Even the kids, who are now either in or done with college, still look somewhat like they did when they were 12.

This house is old. And I mean really old. Apparenly it was built in the 1800s. That would be a source of pride, but apparently there is an even older house down the street. The bitterness grows and can ne'er be abated since you can't make your house age faster then the other. Maybe a burning is in order? I have been given a bed, and have spent a lot of time talking about life, mine, other peoples, and about our families. There are lots of things to do around here that aren't things that I can do back in the ATL. Oh, and Mark, I gots snow too mother fucker so put that in your pipe and throw it in a ditch . . . noooge.

We are going to visit Monica's relatives for their Christmas-eve-athon. It is interesting/good that I will be going to a more distant part of the family's tomorow. I like it because (unlike when I go with Chowning's family places) I am legitimately a part of the family that I am traveling with. I'll post more about it when I get a chance.

In addition to that trip, I think Bill and I are going to do some hiking, and go see the Delaware river (Which may have frozen over). All in all this is turning into an outdoors session for me, which I am fine with. Things will no doubt change as I get to the City to do city things and get mugged or some shit. This trip has started well, I need to get a few more things in order (getting to where my mom's sister is burried so I can dispose of the ashes . . . which are in our most modestly priced recepticle), but those will happen in time.


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