Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cautions. one glasses of SaFety
Do not broken.
Thank you!

Alaska is nice. School is not. You should vacate #2 for #1.

I bought a new car.

I like cottage cheese, but i call it cot-a-hay cheese like Bart Simpson did. See, by emulating an amusing television cartoon character, it makes me funny.

I could eat a pint or a quart of yogurt at one sitting, as long as it didn't taste like ass or butterscotch (my farts smell like butterscotch... butt or scotch).

I have a santoku knife. It's nice - not as thick as a chef's knife and a little easier to handle. It can easily slice, dice, mince or chop soap, gravel, aluminum siding, chain-link fence, my left index finger, vegetables, cat food, dog food, jell-o, white bread, chimichangas, railroad ties, carbon nanotubes, 6Al4V aircraft-grade titanium and Pure Wisconsin Aged Cheddar (minimum 5 years).

I stopped eating meat, but it did make quick work of a huge pork tenderloin. HUGE.


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