Sunday, July 30, 2006

Matt, were you moving your arms a lot, or were you just moving your wrists? Apparently that can make a huge difference in tiredness. That is really cool that you got your hands on it. It is definetely the only system that I will buy at launch (i.e. the only system that I am willing to take the 1st build problems), and I think it is going to be amazing. So I'd like to get to one thing that Matt's writing made me think about. We hear about these magical lands of game companies (EA is the largest 3rd party publisher) where there are fountains of chocolate and every game every imaginable, etc. and it makes them sound wonderful. But then on the otherhand I read lots of stories of how EA is terrible to work for because of deadline crunch. So is it safe to assume that these buildings are these utopian play pens untill the hammer comes around then they turn into hell holes? Seems like a life of extremes, maybe that is why certain divisions have shitty retention.


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