Thursday, June 14, 2001

aaaah. so brad brought up a good point. it is still legal to post to the blog even though you can publish it. i mean you can still post, and when we finally get our shit together again, there will be a plethora of goodness for people to read. how many of you people read this? not many, i expect, but i think that you should anyway. it's not deep, or even funny all the time, but it is mildly interesting. maybe it would be better if there were pictures of us posted so you could tell who we were, or maybe it is better that you can come up with your own mental images. or maybe everyone who reads this is a friend of ours and knows what we freaking look like. whatever. so the beginning of this message is sort of moot cause now the bastion of stability that is kafka is back up and running and everything is happy and pretty again. so hoorah. meanwhile i am still working for gcatt, and soon i will have a product. no really, i swear. prolly i will start compiling and discover that shit does not work tomorrow (friday). so other than that, things have been pretty tame. work, trivia. oh. daron was here last weekend. he and evelyn will be living in the ford factory lofts in the fall. so that is way cool. also i got to hang out with daron. and chris and david are back in the atl. they need housing also. and jobs. so that sucks. but at least we get to see them more now. blah blahblah. oh yeah, the fort rules. and the people who hang out here also rule. that is my story.


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