i can't believe i am the first to post this... we have a roommate! so i haven't met him yet (cause i was in jacksonville this weekend -- which was pretty cool... got free records out of it) so i can't pass judgement, but ted seems to think he is pretty cool, so how bad could he be.. oh wait. look who else he has pucked to live with him. oh well, i just hope that he isn't one of those coc rats that matt and i hate so much. that would be pretty horrible. as long as he pays rent, i don't raelly give a flying fuck, though. well, school starts soon. so i suppose that brings with it some promises and some challenges and all that sappy crap. to tell the truth it is going to be weird though. daron is going to be around sort of. so that is cool. but i am not going to spend much time with matt, i don't think. that sucks. but he is taking all cool cs classes and i am taking sixteen hours of math. so yah. but i think the math stuff will be fun. this saturday i hav e mlr training thingy. so whatever that is about. oh also i leave for st louis tomorrow night. back on wednesday, though. i feel so corporate. blah. hopefully most of this shit is spelled right. i can only sort of make out the screen cause it is late and i don't have my glasses on and i am not really feeling like trying right now. fortunately, i feel like i am in the few errors and detecting when i do fuck up sort of state.
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