Sunday, December 28, 2003

Being sick does suck. Especially when you know that it is going to happen. I agree that the Merc was a good running car and is probablly accurately valued at 2400. I just don't know that that particular car is what Martin needs/wants.

I have just finished reading Bang Devils by Patrick Foss. It was a gift from Martin for Xmas. I enjoyed it. I devowered it in about 18 hrs. with me sleeping for a solid 9 somewhere in there.

My flight was uneventful. As most flights should be. I'm back in HOU and head back to the work grind on Monday.

It was good to see my family over the holidays. My sister brought her boyfriend home and things between them are getting more serious. I can honestly say that I would like him as my brother-in-law. He's a good guy.

Food for thought... What do you think about gay unions?


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