Monday, December 22, 2003

wow, great to see the readership jump up two a whopping three people. No really, I"m not being sarcastic I am very glad. The wonderwindow things looks pretty cool matt. All the website had was a picute, but that looked sweet. How do you get the rooms to be different colors??

In other news, I ot to go to a hockey game last night as part of Lauren Stewart's (a.k.a. LPS) birthday. We had a party for here last week before school let out and everyone left, so this was the tail end as her Fliers from Philly got shelacked by what is apparently a very good thrashers team. It was fun. Honestly part of the fun of the event was watching the interaction between Ewald and Lauren (the people in the event were me, Dan Heacox, Ewald, LPS, Adam [from fitten fame], Evil and Kat). LPS is a whopping 22 now, and I am failrly sure that Ewald is a few months over me (25). Ewald has this thing for LPS, but doesn't seem very good at the whole flirting game. So it is funny to see him throw little flirting actions at her and see them fall on deaf ears. I'm not sure if LPS is aware of Ewald's affection, or if she just thinks he's creepy. Either way she hangs out with him a bunch, but mostly with others, and I think I have more fun than most since I am privvy to the crush so I catch all the small thing.

More Axis and Allies is being played. I'm back in full swing as a decent to good player. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to hold up against the great players, but the game IS somewhat formulaic so maybe that would help me. I've got the European expasion and am looking forward to playing that some day. I think that is all for me. It is time to get back to Halo or GTA3 or something. Gotta get my games in before school starts making me busy. Later.



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