Tuesday, January 06, 2004

At least for a while, my midday posting will be on the DL. Not to worry, if I can ever get far enough ahead I have a planning period that starts at 1:40 or something so I can post at the beginning of that. It will be a small post, but I fill it with profanity in order to compensate for not being able to call people motherfuckers at school.

Survival training sucked. I don't feel the need to explain how much or why it sucked because I think we all have a concept of how much things can suck and that this is one of those things that sucked to high degree.

Jeremy, you are indeed lucky that you can be yourself at your school, er, I mean job. But then again, I am lucky to have job, so I wont complain too much.

I did get to the school for my afternoon planning period and that was good. I didn't get much work done because of odd circumstances, however I did find out that apparently people have been asking to drop my class because they heard that I am a new teacher fresh out of college (???) so they assume the course will be hard. Good, I didn't want the dead weight in my class anyway, but I think it is funny that I have reputation for being the tough teacher before anyone has even met me. Strange.

Being single is sucking again, but I'm realizing that my job isn't going to lead me to any eligible single women that aren't uberchristians (there's the real benefit of your job, jeremy). God, I just need a sweet bitch.

Oh, and finally, I talked to rich and mikex0r about leaving the door open and my feeling is that my best bet is to get Holly's key and hide it. More on this news as it develops, and more posting!!!!



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