Monday, January 05, 2004

Man am I tired. The first day of work lasted from 7:30 to 5:30 then I went to the gym and worked out a bit. I learned that I will be missing the next two days of school to deal with the county's "survival teacher training" bullshit where I will be watching a video then answering questions. It is load of crap.

Work went well however. I'm looking forward to the new year and teaching my kids (who I won't meet until thursday). The faculty (who is all I met with today) are interesting. I apparently hit a nerve when I brought up that Fisch was going to live with his girlfriend in the UK. The issue being that they aren't married. Jeez, it's like I'm in the 50's. They also made me drop my final exam percentage from 25% to 20% because of a school policy and asked my to add another test (making it five) because they were worried that I was asking the students to remember too much. Load of crap. I have honors students, they should be able to hack 4 weeks of material on a test. So I'm looking into the feasibility of another test or something. It would make each test 6% of their final grade bersus the 8.?% that it is now. But I'm rambling.

NY Eve at Jeremy's was a blast and the food was spectacular. I'll see what I can do about getting them to leave the door open. The solution might have to be a key located somewhere, but I'll see what I can do. Holly has a key, which I think is stupid, so maybe I can convince her to put her key somewhere so jeremy can get it. Also, jeremy, you forget that at some point I will be getting hte XBox of Doom and you will have a plethora of games at your disposal.

My gaming will no doubt take a downward skid. I'll do what I can, but it will be limited to the weekends and that ain't much. Next year things will be easier because I will have already taught this class so I can borrow from my old lesson plans. But this semester is all new so it takes a long time to figure things out.

Jeremy is right about Diplomacy. I am all for getting a game going, but we need a place to put a picture of the board, or we need to better understand the existing online diplomacy action, something I don't have as much time for as I did this summer.

Speaking of summer, one of my friends from the summer (Beth) will be in ATL in the next few hours and staying for the week. We're going to go hangout some night.

Which brings me to the singles front. I went out with E-Ho for his birthday and had a great time. I managed to have a pretty good conversation with this one girl from Tech. I blew it, though, when she left. I was talking to Bruckner (a drunk bruckner which is the best kind) and she put her hand on my shoulder and told me that she had to leave. I looked at her and said (a bit intoxicated) "maybe I'll see you around." So she left. I got no number, no last name, nothing. I was kicking myself all night about it. I went home (after giving myself time to sober up), and decided to do a GT search for her first name and major and low and behold I found her. Do a "lu" and I've got her phone number, but I can't call her, because I'm then a stalker. So I'm left with the disappointment of my failure. Sigh. The really strange thing is that Holly thinks she might live on her floor (making her one of Holly's residents). That doesn't help me any, I still blew it when I had a chance. The one solace I have found is that at least I had a chance, which menas hopefully I can get back to that point.

That is all from me. More posting, it brings a smile to my face.



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