Saturday, January 17, 2004

Doodz, I moved the blog over to, which is a Technique server and has unending free space (for the most part). I also messed around with Blogger templates and decided to try out this Spiderman thang. Lemme know if you are absolutely revolted by it and I'll find one of the jillions of super trendy designy ones out there. Also, I saved our old template in case it's super near and dear to your heart. Oh, archives are now available (move eyes 350 pixels to left)!!

I did some research on the Google thing and it looks like we can block Google from indexing the blog with a couple of meta-tags. If there weren't any links out in the world to the blog's URL, google shouldn't pick it out. It's my understanding that they do not do IP block scans for possible web servers and that would be the only way to get to it without following a link. So, we're safe in that regard. We can be assured of safety from outside viewers by either (1) Making this a non-public blog requiring member login or (2) Adding fuck-you-google tags to the top of the template. I don't care myself, but then again I'm a shitty poster. I tried some serious Google searches to find it and I couldn't do so.

So.. it looks like is going to run in late March and April now. We still haven't finished fundraising yet, but that's the only thing stopping us. The non-profit Suzanne started to raise the funds for this and other projects is called the binary foundation ( I think the logo is cool. At work, I'm coding up this wonderwindow simulator that will hopefully look like a camera is perched directly in front of any building running with Wonderwindow stuff. It will hopefully be sweet and web-based (as an ActiveX control... which I dunno how I feel about ActiveX yet).

Anyhows, more news to come soon. Roxy and I are off to see Big Fish. woot!


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