Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Jeremy hit the nail on the head. Out of the people that regularly post here, Martin is sane.

So, I was at the shin-dig where Brad was moving into Ryan's house as Ryan's parents moved out (Good Hot Dogs). I was just wondering if there was any status update since that. I think that happened over Labor Day if I am not mistaken.

Brad: Where the fuck are you?!

Speaking of ancient fort people, I talked with Ted on the phone for a spell. He is living in Chicago working a dead end job that deals with bar codes. He is looking / interviewing at other places to get into something he might enjoy. The Girl is still active and in his life. He and she are doing well. They are also doing well together it sounds like. I told him to go to the new and improved fortress blog where the fort folks hang out. He said that he would post something sometime if someone could give him an account. So, thats Ted. Feel free to look at his posts (which are very infrequent) on sammich.org.

In other news... I have a bastard of a coworker. I don't think I have mentioned this much to anyone but he sure is a bastard. I get along with him on a professional level just great. He knows his shit and does a good job. He just has a deplorable way to treat women. Most recently, some chick was calling and bitching him out over the phone with the jist of 'You tell all these girls the same line, you lying pig.' To which he responded: "Yeah? Well... which ones work?"

Oh, good times.



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