Sunday, January 11, 2004

Man... so much happens in a week. I'm really going to have to read this and my email more often. I feel like I'm just way far out of the loop. Lets take this bullet style:

o Diplomacy: I know there are some online hay hay sites already set up to go go gadet shit. I neither own the game nor have I ever played but I can sure look at web sites. What I want to know is if we have the people to play. Isn't it five or seven? Some prime number I know.

o Work: My job is still same ol' same ol'. I did have a good day last Tuesday but I'm not anticipating all days to be like that. What made Tuesday a good day was we set down and planned some shit out. Planning and having a plan is a GoodIdea(TM).

o Martin's Work: I have had a few teacher friends who have gone through the exact same stuff as you are currently doing now. Just wait until they ask you personal questions like do you have sex for money? Just an example. When my friend Laurie started her teaching job at Banks Co (in northeast GA) they asked her her name first and where she went to church second. Yikes. I think that you will benefit a lot from having some lesson plans. As mentioned above, having a plan is a GoodIdea(TM).

o Jeremy's work: So, where the fuck do you work? I don't think I ever got that. I'm glad that you are salaried. It is better still if they pay you your check on time.

o Greenbay: Go Pack. Cheese heads.

o Cars: Any good ones that you've found? Any movement on that front?

o Description of Blog: Any way that we can put a weblink with all the places that fortress currently has outposts or has had them in the past? Something like a political map of the continental US with some flags photoshopped in. Just a thought.

o Being Sick: Sucks. I'm a fan of Nyquill. Also, everyone here in Texas seems to be permantely sick. I dunno. Maybe its the Texas in the air. Just kinda odd. I feel like I'm fighting off Sick. But, I also know that I have not been on a long bike ride or to yoga in quite some time.

o Singles life: I think you should totally call that chick Martin. You can always say that you got her number from someone at the party and you were to intoxicated to remember the details. -Or- You can attribute it to how resourceful you are and isn't that a good quality in a person. -Or- You can call her, tell her you are a jealous stalker and that if she ever tries to spoon with someone else that you'll push her off a bridge. You know, maybe option 3 is not so good. My point is that an opportunity has presented itself. You need to be able to recognize the situation as such and react accordingly. What is lost if you call her and she hangs up on you? In my opinion not much.

o Masters: x2. Woot. You da man!

o Video Games: Having a game at 100% is a nice feeling. I am currently still playing Diablo II. That game has withstood the test of time. There is a new patch out that gives it new life. It makes it very difficult for a single person to play alone. I still play that a few times a week.

Thats about all I have to say in response to your quotes. My sister is coming to town next weekend. That should be fun. I'm going to see Big Fish sometime this week. Woot. I'm excited. I signed up for netflix. I think that this service is a great plan. I like getting movies to watch in the mail. For those who have not tried it, there is a free two week trial period that you can sign up for. There are also multiple payment plans to rent as little as four a month or have as many as five in your hands at once. I have started to get into the Warhammer Universe (40K more specifically) and its nice to watch movies while I model my armies or paint. I hope to eventually spend one or two nights a week doing this. I still need to squeeze in some exercise time for myself.

20 weeks. For those that don't know what the significance of 20 weeks is, I'll email you. This also brings up another point I wanted to discuss: Do you ever worry that someone whom you do not want reading this site is in fact reading this site? Hypothetical: One of Martin's kids reads this and then goes back to his mother and says that his teacher Martin is a buddist nihilist and that Martin should be fired so that little Johnny can sleep easier at night.

Anywho, hope all is well with you.



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