Monday, January 19, 2004

Thanks for the switch on the archiving, matt. And I totally agree with Big Fish. After watching it, all but two people in the crew I was with had tears in their eyes. What I thought was great about the movie (aside from all of the obviously great stuff) was that it was just a story. No real adversery came about that wasn't there in the beginning, it was just a straight forward story, and done remarkably well.

Kudos on trying to get Roxy to not say the N word. For some reason it bothers me a lot more when Roxy says it than when Jeremy does. Regardless, it is a noble endeavour to take and I'm very impressed.

In other news, the AA:Europe game went on without a hitch, so to speak. Germany (me) did o.k. but still is no match for the allies in a three on one battle. I just haven't figured out how to play Germany in that game yet. Hopefully there will be more chances.

The extra day onthe weekend is nice. It let me get more work done, however I'm not as far ahead as I would like. Hopefully I will be able to get some big work done this week. Regardless, I will not be as pressed as I have been in the past, which is nice.

Soon I will be off to Emory practice, which will be nice. So I'll catch you cats later.



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