Friday, February 20, 2004

Well, Martin I am sorry that you had a bad date... or more specifically a not good one. I think that she may not be the girl for you but certainly could be a girl that you could (given the right circumstances) have good conversation with and maybe a little more fun. I wonder if the next time you two spend time together if you should go out with her and some of her friends. That puts you at the awkward hey, I don't know anyone position but you are a cool enough guy to handle it. I wonder if she will open up more being around a comfortable group. I dunno. Just a thought. If you want to get good quality conversation, it should ideally be under non-tipsy events. So, getting hammered will probably lead you two to talking (and maybe making some borderline decisions) but that most likly will not get you to the winning conversation. You follow?

Whatever the shit, keep us updated. This is like a free tele novella. Although, lacking much of the intrigue and whatnot that tele novellas contain.

So, anyone out there know a thing or two about Chemistry? And I'm not talking the type that was lacking on Thursday for Martin. I'm talking about the type involving oligomers. As in many polymers? Maybe? I think I have the idea of monomers (points in space, or golf balls in a bucket) and polymers (long chains of monomers, like a spline, could be strong if the polymers cross link and lay across each other getting tied up) but what is an oligomer? Polymers going in random directions with multiple off shoots? Or some other cross linked version. If anyone knows or knows someone who knows (hint hint) please tell me.

In other news, yep. Thats about it.


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