Friday, March 05, 2004

is it signed by anyone, mikex0r? did you get back a scantron with little pink ink dots by the questions that you missed? did you remember to take your chapstick with you to the exam? so the machine can't mark your paper?

if it's not signed, something strange is afoot. that or the test went back and forth over that mysterious date line many times and lost 3 months. i guess you and matt (our intrepid world travellers) would know about such things more than i.

by the by, i'm posting this from work. why am i still at work you may ask? well. two reasons: 1) i'm putting out fires started by others' incompetence, and we all know how time-consuming that can be. and 2) they're paying me overtime on top of my salary for hours that i work outside of my contactual obligation (not too shabby at $15/hr), so why not cram as many hours into the week as possible? this is, of course, until they get around to making me a 40 hour per week 9-5 working stiff (like so many of us these days) and increase my salary, which i have not yet made any concrete plans to spend, though there are plenty of wishlist items...


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