Monday, June 28, 2004

I think my favorite weather-related phenomenon is those huge dust storms they get in Arizona. The kind where giant clouds of dust swallow the entire town of Pheonix. Its especially cool when they get a helicopter up there and show it on TV.

So I was looking around for jobs again, and I happened across another job for an engineer that can speak japanese and english. I didnt know they were so in demand. If I had, maybe I would have minored in japanese or something. But this one is in Dayton Ohio. and I said "Why the fuck would I want to live in Dayton Ohio?" but nobody answered me, so I left it at that.

So what are the logistics involved in hopping trains to various places around the country? What kind of problems come up? It always seemed pretty easy to me, especially when I saw a slow moving boxcar with its door open. I've always wondered how often they check for people hopping trains.


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