Tuesday, July 20, 2004

First and foremost I am wearing one of the most uncomfortable shirts known to man. It is the Team Buzz shirt with Buzz as Rosie the Riviter on the back. The silkscreen came out like a big sheet of plastic that if one wears in the summertime... well, you can figure it out.

Sword of the Pheonix was not as exciting as I would have hoped. It is the flat out throw down shit for all D&D but besides that not much else. It did have risk:God's Fury (or whatever varient). They did not have near a wide enough selection of Games Workshop miniatures. Sigh. Crack addiction.

Let me also say that I have taken the GRE's and did okay. I wrote some stuff. (If anyone does not know the new format check it here. I have real issues with this whole test process. You cannot register on the web for it; you must call. I could not find the building easily. Whores. I did not receive the who-ha package because my address that they had me down for was OdOtonan Dr. Which is nothing at all like Odean (the developer's wife, if you care). Also, there is no calculator when a self respecting engineer would always have one on or near him/her. They have a few charts in the math section that illustrate flawlessly why one should make better charts in the first place. If you want to know what the total sales (in dollars) is of the wireless division don't have a chart of Total Company Sales and then another chart of Perctage of Wireless Sales. Make a better chart. Idiots. But, I digress. I received a 790 on the math section (I missed the last question because I ran out of time to put C.... Argh. I know that 15% were playing piano AND reading poetry.) I made a 550 on verbal and can only assume that they graded the first of my two verbal sections (which by the way were painful for me). My first verbal section I saw some 25 and 50 cent words. My second section was describing the reading passages by line number with an exact match to the question, answer, and paragraph passage-- not a good sign. Also, there were words like derth and fend. Probably not the best sign. The written passages also hurt. I will learn the scores of those in a few weeks but I predict a nice average 4.0 (out of a possible 6).

Mmmm... beer. Sweetwater 420 extra pale ale. If you were wondering. Appearently Jeff is having some sort of Bachelor party... I'm going to be way ahead.

So, Martin and this chick Chowning. They have been spending quite a lot of time together on the phone. I am waiting for one of them to receive the phone bill and realize 'maybe we should just move in together.' I am really happy for Martin this Ms. Right just fell out of the sky and landed on his dick. Thats good for him. Lucky fuck. I gotta say, she is a pretty cool chick. Having drank beer with her, seen baseball, hung out, slept at her parents house, watched fireworks, and eaten several meals.... She ranks pretty high on the Cool-O-Meter (patent pending). If you have not had the opportunity to meet her, I highly suggest it. You can also play the my-scar-is-cooler-than-yours game. She has some 'butes.

Also, Martin has some of the details of the trip back from Seattle left out of his story or blocked completely from his memory. So, the Friday that we were to leave Martin was wrong. It didn't matter... Martin was wrong. If any human being could make more wrong deceisions in a single day.... Wow. He was wrong. Let us talk about when we were at the science center and he was wrong. So wrong. On physics no doubt. PHYSICS! Something he is supposed to know something about. Scenerio: there is a weighted disk on a stick that one shoots with a water gun. See photo here under the heading Water Works. And I said that, even though we had tried for a good 15 minutes, those discs can flip over. As in the weighted part rotating 181 degrees about the center axis such that its own weight will carry it over. Martin said, "No way. Its physically impossible." Now, as a side note I want to see one of his minions come up with an equation describing that motion in terms of weight, force of water, and friction on the coupling and prove that it is mathematically impossible. As it stood.... we would have to return in the afternoon to see. I came back to the water gun and waited for the eight year olds (8 year olds, dude) to clear. I step up to the gun and not three minutes pass then I manage to spin the bitch upside down and throw my arms up in victory. Martin was wrong. All damn day. Also, when we got back to the parking lot that we shouldn't have parked at to begin with (because Martin wanted to walk) we ended up paying $16.00 to park. Ouch. The meters at the Pacific center were like $2.00. Oh boy.... was he wrong.

Fortunatly, being wrong so much means karmically you are going to be right. And right he was on visiting Chowning on the way back. Woot for him.

Mmmm... more beer makes Mark a drunk guy.



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