Friday, July 16, 2004

Posted by Michael @ 1050 16July2004:

So Rich bought a fish. that is pretty cool, i guess. frankly, though, fish are pretty lame. they just sort of swim. and have mouths that go moom moom moom. whatever.

Posted by jeremy @ 2000 14May2001:

we have fish. that is pretty cool, i guess. frankly, though, fish are pretty lame. they just sort of swim. and have mouths that go moom moom moom. whatever.

Also, now that we've cleared up what the Canon Wordtank G-50 is (Japanese/English/Japanese translator) and what it is not (pack of fuckin peanuts, set of car keys, two ton tank, automatic dong-fu alarm, etc.), i need to know if that 228 gram mass includes the batteries or not for my energy calculations. If it doesn't include batteries, please let me know the formulation you intend for use in it - Carbon Zinc, Alkaline, Ni-Cad, Li-Ion or NiMH, as these all have different masses and energy capacities.

Martin, i'm glad to hear your road trip went well and all the gory details therein, also that the fabled and mystical Mark Honeycutt accompanied you to glory. And that y'all didn't die or get knifed by a semi-cowboy redneck at a Stuckeys in the Dakota territory. I thought Brad was a jet-setting motherfucker and working in NYC during the week. Did you settle down to Atlanta?

For those of you what ain't heard, Nikki and i bought a house in Chicago. It's nice to actually have some space and a garage and whatnot. Also enough room to disassemble and work on the 3 bicycle carcasses i have. It's on the south side of Chicago. With apologies to Jim Croce, our neighborhood is not the meanest side of town (nor is there any evidence of one "Leroy Brown"), but it is fun. Toilet training the cats hasn't been as easy as we planned.


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