Thursday, September 09, 2004

I'm not fulfilled at all by my career, but I think thats seperate from what you two are talking about. I'm certainly unfulfilled by the current accepted methods for finding jobs, but I've never been on the other side of it. Maybe it works on some level that I havent attained yet. At any rate, theres a career fair on Monday and Tuesday. I should have studied philosophy at UGA. Then I'd know why I dont have a job yet. Of course, one of my most recent ambitions is to become a part of the JET Programme so maybe I dont want a job anyway.

Winston Churchill thought that you were old at 25, and I think he accomplished a lot after that point in his life. When I think about spending 1-3 years in Japan, and then coming back and still being 27, I think I seem pretty young at this point.

Why do they call it a quarterlife crisis? I dont have any intention of living till 100. People who live to 100 get their picture in the paper and they dont ever look too happy about it. Maybe its because they lost all control of their facial muscles 15 years prior, but still.


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