Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I recall being told, and possibly retold about Tuesday game night, but I failed to act in such a fashion that allowed me to experience the full, um, experience. I also wasnt there. Sorry. I hope that you didnt get the board all wet and tear stained. I concur with Mark. Weekly game night should become a reality. Then I wouldnt feel bad about missing a week because I have, you know, shit to do. Also for the times when I dont have shit to do but I dont come anyway. Cause then I could say "Oh well, theres always next week"

I second Mark's motion to establish a weekly game night. All in favor, say aye.

I too must admit that I feel a little bit slighted by today's job hunting atmosphere. I sort of get the feeling that going to GT counts for nothing. It seems like going to Southern Poly and got a 4-oh would have gotten me more. Though I think a 3-oh at Tech should count for at least a little bit. Even if I did muck up my freshman year. (I blame my PL) (and his lousy friends) (just kidding) (but not really) But I guess I've only been looking through channels that are clogged with other Tech students, so thats got something to do with it I'm sure. (Everything to do with that particular issue anyway) But I'm not looking too hard either. Gripe Gripe Gripe. Whine Whine Whine. etc.

I know what standard deviation is, what I want to know is all of the relevant statistics for Brad's fantasy football. All of them.

You think that you're going to post more when you start not seeing the other people who post to this blog, but in the end, all you do is read it. and wonder why nobody is posting.

by the way, for the next sentance lets assume that I havent been to the Robot Factory in a while. Is Jeremy dead?


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