Sunday, October 31, 2004

This past Saturday my mom, sister, and "brother" came out to volunteer for Habitat. It was cool. They had a good time and said that they were all very sore today. When I first arrived on site I heard off in the distance, "... and thats my baby!" This is how my mom always introduces me or links herself to me. Kinda silly and emberasing but what is one to do. All in all it was a good build day. We were done and back at the warehouse at 2:30. Nice. It was also nice to walk from Manny's to the house. All of three blocks or so.

Saturday night was a little crazy in little five. Buncha people dressed up in get ups.

I think I'm getting an infection on one of my fingers. Thats bad.

Tuesday night is the next game night. Place: Fort. Time: when ever you make it. I'll be arriving at or around 7:00pm. I'll have cold pizza (maybe). What: Depending on who shows, maybe another rousing drunkard game of apples to apples or some Catan or Axis & Allies or Shogun or what have you. I do vote we follow it up with another rousing game of smash. Man that game is fun. I nominate Matt Flagg to get in touch with Ian. Any seconds? This blog is the official call out to fantasy football Brad (remember him?).

Also, please go vote Tuesday. If you do go vote, they can print out a receipt that you attended the polls. If you get that receipt and give that to Ingrid (my other sister) then she will get bonus points in her civics class. Martin can attest to how much students need bonus points.

Hope all is well.



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