Monday, January 24, 2005

Well, it looks like I have a few moments on my hands so I guess this is a good time to blog.

Things are going pretty well. Life with Chowning is absolutely wonderful. I fall more in love with her every day. Unfortunately she will be knee deep in tournaments soon so I wont get to see her as much. Then there is the whole Valentines day thing coming up.

School goes well. I've got a pretty good routine down right now. It is one where I don't really have to work much at home, but I bust my ass while at school. A slightly more routine night-life has led to more working out, which is great. It has also led to more . . .

Video games. I'm close to the end of Metroid, and Mark and I have been trudging through Resident Evil 4. The game is hard, however it has gotten easier. I have finally achieved the part of the game where I can buy shit from the merchant, and what wasn't mentioned in Penny Arcade was that there is a weapons upgrade system that makes it feel like an RPG. Mark and I have yet to figure out all of the nuances (sp?) of the weapons upgrade shit, but we'll have it posted soon.

We also had the great Ticket to Ride experience. We played it once with Brad and once with mizx0r. That game is damn fun. I'm trying to figure out the strategy of the game, and we're also going to be playing with the expansion soon which should add to the fun. Jeremy will hoepfully be getting Mystery of the Abbey soon. I'm interested inplaying this guesswho-clue game. In the meantime Ticket to Ride is interesting. It isn't Tigris and Euphrades, but it pretty fucking fun.



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