Tuesday, June 07, 2005

despite my better judgement, i've decided to host the fort blog. some caveats:
  • my dsl doesn't usually go down, but it might

  • i'm on a dynamic ip connection and the DNS servers are set to update at 0700 & 1900. it may be unreachable if the IP changes until the DNS has had time to propogate.

  • i got farkdotted the other day, due to some ass linking images from my machine. thanks to the majick of mod_rewrite, it's not a problem right now

  • i am very very lazy and this machine is a low priority for me.

  • if it interferes with my bandwidth at home, yr blog goes elsewhere

blah blah blah. the usual crap. close cover before striking, light fuse and get away, do not pet the tiger, etc.

enjoy, you hiney hobbits


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