Tuesday, January 20, 2004

monthly archiving, weekly archiving. i think that it should be some number of posts, and make the dates match. i don't know if that's possible. anyone out there feel me? like the dates on the side don't appear to be methodical in any way, but when you click on a range, you get a page with n posts on it. 10, 15, whatever.

i don't know what other people's blogs are like (well, i suppose i know what some other people's blogs are like) but i think it's great that since this is essentially our only means of communication with some members of the fort that this is not only where we talk about stuff, but also our staging area -- where we talk about talking about stuff, or how we're gonna talk about it. ie there aren't a lot of other diaries out there (that i've seen) that have these big discussions about formatting, etc in the blogs themselves.

i totally dig the new format.

not so much the graphics. i might do something about that.

how's the sister, mark?

my weekend ruled.


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