Tuesday, January 27, 2004

a prime number is a number with exactly two factors: 1 and the number itself. since the factors of 1 are 1 and 1, 1 is not a prime. it fails to have two factors. now since 0 * n is 0 for any (i'm talkin any) number, 0 has considerably more than 2 factors.

hate to burst your bubble, mark, but what with there being an infinite number of prime numbers and the integers not being a continuum, you are going to lose the my daddy can beat up your daddy game in largest-prime-number-ville. even with riddles, puzzles, enigmae, bulldozers, bombs and elbowgrease.

mac? is there a new mac convert amongst us, or am i retarded in some way?

luckily for everyone involved, i saved gt3 right after the oval track, so you can start right back up at laguna seca, martin.

it sucks that i haven't seen anyone in a while. trapped at work babysitting computers. and not getting the pay i was promised. the salary situation is sucking right now. it appears to be an experiment to take advantage of my good nature and/or see how high my blood temperature must rise before it boils, but we'll see if i can't rectify it. spring into action!


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