Monday, January 12, 2004

So, lets talk about commercials for a bit. Even though I am not a fan of microsoft in general, I really like the x-box commercial where the guy gets married, loses his friends, then gains the x-box live connectivity unit to gain back his friends. Its catchy. Another one of my favorite commercials is the Volkswagen where the guy has the kids and wears them out all day long. I think of Martin when they are digging in the sand and the guy motions to dig more. Its a great commercial.

In other news, I don't think of you as a buddist nihilist Martin. I think you are not that bleek. But, little Johhny may not be as bright. I also ran a search on you in google and I seem to remember something about getting blogs in a different websearch than a standard google search. I dunno. But, I did not find you. Also, your last name is not on here as far as I can tell. And further more, you show up on the ME3056 class website as a head TA. Thats a little stale. A search on me was not nearly so exciting.

My sister is coming into town and I am psyched. Woot.

By the by, has anyone heard from Brad? What the hell is he up to? Last I heard he got a job and ... then what?



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