Sunday, January 11, 2004

Way to bring my world down with the buddhist nihillist statement. I'm a big fan of the "people in leadership positions need to act accordingly," however not only do I feel that I am doing nothing wrong (I am acting as myself, however with adults and not children, I am certainly not doing anything immoral), but I just googled myself and aside from the GT Ultimate webpage nothing seems to show up. So as long as I don't mention the FoC to my kids I think I will be ok. Still, way to make me worry.

I think Dimplomacy still has all the necessary players (5). There's you, me, jeremy, I'm pretty sure that I could get Dan and Ewald, or maybe LPS or someone. Hell, mikex0r should be up. So maybe getting this agoing is the way to be.

I got to meet Fisch's girlfriend saturday night. She's a cool person although we didn't get to talk about her too much because I was catching up with Fisch. I wanted to meet them again today but Fisch basically said that he wanted to get his last fuck in before she flew back to the UK. Ofcourse he did not use these words, but he didn't have to.

GT3 is prooving to be more of a hassle than I remember. I forgot that the last race I have to do is about 30 hours long. Jeez, this is going to kill me. There there is the problem that I don't think that I will be able to get gold in everyrace so I will have to go back and get golds to get my skewed percentage up. The lone good news is that I think I have everything figured out for this week. The days seem kind of light in class (not too much material on a given day) and there is a lab on friday, but hopefully this will help me leave earlier which means that I will be able to get to the gym more and spin.

Speaking of which, my legs still don't feel great (knees I mean). I don't know what is up. I think that my right hammy is obthering me, and then there is teh continual problem with my left knee, that isn't a problem or something. The doc said that it is o.k. it just hyperextends ever so slightly. I'm not sure, but it feels weird and I would like it to stop.



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