Sunday, February 15, 2004


Word up, Martin. Congratulations on whatever happened and I hope it was good.

As some/many of y'all know, valentine's day is special for me because I hate it. I hate the whole "TODAY IS SPECIAL SO BUY CARDS CANDY FLOWERS DINNER ETC FOR YOUR GIRLTHING" stigma that goes with it, and needless to say, I've pissed off my share of girlthings is holding this attitude. Fuck it. I'm not gonna be bullied into doing nice things because I'm supposed to do nice things on one day.

That being said, Nikki & I had a nice, relaxing day. After some afternoon food shopping and checking out TVs & DVD players (already planning on how to spend my first few Real Job Paychecks), we went back to her apartment, cleaned it up and started dinner. Realizing we forgot the wine, I drove to Trader Joe's, picked up a $3 Argetenian Melbec (yummy) and $6 Australian Cabernet Sauvingon/Shiraz/something else blend. Lesson learned: Never drive anywhere near Lakeview on a weekend. Took me over an hour to drive 1.5 miles, park, 10 minutes in the store and drive back. Ugh. Shit reminds me of Atlanta.

Long story short, we hung around her place and had a quiet evening. Also discovered that adding triple sec to melted chocolate causes it to sieze instantly. I'm not sure why this occurs but I fully intend on researching the food science to find out why.

I start my new job tomorrow. Stay tuned for updates on how that works. I left my old job at around 15:30 in the afternoon because I didn't feel like staying until quitting time. Besides, what were they going to do, fire me? BWAHAHAHAHAH. I already got my last paycheck, cashed it, had 3 beers with coworkers at the Billy Goat (cheezeborger cheezeborger cheezeborger), turned in my RFID key fob and everything. I think my last thoughts about that job were "Fuck it" as I walked out with all my personal effects in a milk crate. When I got home I had an email from my now ex-boss saying something to the effect of "blah blah suprised by you leaving w/o saying goodbye blah blah good luck blah blah" and as a post script "IMO, 'noxious' is a strong word for people that provided you with a job." Now then, out of all the adjectives I've used to describe them, "noxious" was certainly not one of them. "Theiving sons-of-bitches", "money-grubbing assholes", "illiterate jizz-moppers", "morons" and "jerks", I'm sure were all used by me at one time or another. Regardless, I am no longer employed by a pissant company to do bullshit work, which makes me deliriously happy.


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