Tuesday, March 09, 2004

This isn't some MENSA bullshit, this is mikex0r bringing up an issue he had with a comment I made.

I stated that Marion Jones is the fastest woman on the planet. Michael took issue with that because I didn't specify that she was running, and he said, what about people in cars. Which led me to say that his point didn't matter because when I said that the PERSON was the fastest it removed the car from the equation. Already michael has skewed the question to try to prove his point. His uestion should reason:

" so if I said so-and-so was the fastest person on the planet AND is a race car driver (note NOT the fastest "driver" as he said), would you think that . . . "

Granted, that still makes it sound like this person is driving, but when you include the words "fastest driver" in your statement you are asserting that they drive fast, not that they move fast. When I stated that someone is the fastest person, then I am asserting that they person fast, NOT drive fast.

There, point made.



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