Saturday, November 06, 2004

With more time on my hards I find the ability to post again within 24 hours. Does anyone know if there is a way to get stats out of the blog. I'll go look for it in a second. I just wanted to echo Brad's question about is the Factory now interchangable with the Fort???? Don't really need an answer, but it IS an interesting thing to think about.

In other news my knee is doind pretty well. I'm having a hard time running for distance but that is because of my back more than anything else. By the time we get to running in my workout I'm beat from squats, jumps, and other shit that is taxing on my back. Well, that's all I've got. I'm supposed to be working on the packaging for Chowning's b-day gifts, but I don't have the paper here that I need. Sigh, I'll have to find another route. See you later.



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