Sunday, June 19, 2005

well shit damn, trying out for a team makes you tired. Lot's of stuff has been going on, but first lets talk about trying out for anything. I must admit I've managed to seldom have to tryout for things that I really want. Perhaps its because I try not to want things (expect for a DS+Kirby+Yoshi), but I bet it is more the result of just being in the right place at the right time. I joined Paideia ultimate before there were tryouts. Since I had played in high school, Tech wanted me on there team right away (also they had shitty numbers). All of the club teams I have played on I was just put on rather than have to try out. So if I think about this it continues. I wasn't rejected from any schools for college b/c Tech accepted me before I could get any more apps out. Getting into grad school was easy because of Dr. Wepfer (getting out was a whole different story. The bands that I played for just let me play. So trying out is different, but that isn't really the post.

The post is that I am very tired after one day of tryouts. I went in thinking that I didn't have that great a chance of making the team. It wouldn't be the end of the world, I would greatly enjoy playing for Rival for another year. It would be better on my wallet, that is for sure. It might also be better for my relationship with Chowning. The situation was that chain was returning a high percentage of players, which means veryfews spots (3?). I could think of a few people that would get the nod ahead of me, one in particular is basically on the team and deservedly so. Another made the team last year, but was unable to play. The result is many think he's got the bee line on the team. So with few spots, I need to really play well to feel good about the weekend. A slightly sprained ankle slowed me down, but I ran hard all the time. My poor stamina was an issue, but not a huge one due to large numbers. Still, I am ass tired and went to sleep at 10 pm last night because of it.

Unfortunately that means that I missed Ted's party at Charlie (my sincerest apologies Ted). When I got home mikx0r was leaving, but I needed to talk to chowning. By the time Mark and Shannon left, I had a pizza in the over and was working on my (still somewhat defunct) PS2. They were going to call me when people were headed to the bar, but I feel asleep to early (or so I assume). The real problem is that I need to feel good today (mission acomplished??) so that I can keep performing well.

In other news . . . there should hopefully be more blogging going on from non-ATL sites over the next while. Although neither of them see fit to post this: Brad is headed to Kentucky until January (with weekend visits back home or elsewhere); Mike is headed to . . . actually I don't remember, but it is somewhere, monday. With both of those two people outside the ATL hopefully they will stay in touch through the blod. Brad in particular . . . you know you ain't gonna be doin shit in bluegrassville, so drop a line or two to let us know what conventioner/college chick you hooked up with on random nights.

Well, I need to get ready to leave for tryouts. This is only the first weekend. I'm sure if I make the cut to next weekend it will be even worse. Not to mention that I am missing one of Chowning's relative's weddings next weekend. That sucks.



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