Saturday, July 09, 2005


i haven't made a post in 6 months. i am a tool. whatever.

i can't say for sure what kept me away from the blog so much, but there are a few things that have happened in my life. i'm not sure how much detail i'll go into about any one of them, though i'd like to make a big post about each in their own turn. it's just that a) one of the points of the blog is to have a semi-realtime representation of your history, blah blah and these will mostly be out of context and b) i'm too lazy to write a 4000 word dissertation broken up over several posts right now (or probably ever).

also, i sort of want to make a bunch of comments about what's been on the blog of late. but you'll have to see a) and b) above to see why i simply write:

thanks ted for making this public again, though noone but us (and usually not even that) reads this motherfucker.
brad - post, you bastard. i know they're giving you tons of bandwidth in that hotel room.
mark - sri lanka. diarrhea. cha cha cha.
martin - hmm.. i know a lot about what's going on in your life, since we see eachother a lot (less recently), what with living together and all, but i didn't know that some of this shit was going on. you are the man. also, you have not given up the world 'well' as you claimed. you haven't even stopped opening your posts with it. fucker.
matt, daron, whoever else is a member of this shit -- where you been? (matt, you are in france now. you'd better fucking tell us what's going on.

ok, xmas was insane. i went to my dad's mom's for the shebang, which i don't remember ever having done before. my mom went to hawaii. pretty cool. my dad's side of the family is fucked up. there was plenty of drama flying around, which i very much enjoyed (i really love dysfunctionality, since i'm typically so easy-going). i was pissed about not getting to see my cousin, who i haven't so much as exchanged a phone call/letter/email/pound of flesh with in 9 or more years. alas.

at techbridge, a bunch of people left because that is the nature of non-profits -- there isn't a lot of oppurtunity for advancement and they are typically extremely local organizations. so people move, people move on, whatever. we went out looking for one person to replace the two people at the organization who probably did the most (and most important) business-side keeping-us-afloat work. we interviewed two candidates noone i spoke with was particularly impressed with either of them. rather than try to find a better suited candidate, michael nachman was hired and brought on to fill the role of chief operating officer. well, he tried to do that job, as well as the job of the other person who'd left -- the director of consulting. he did not appear to know much about either, and less about leadership and nothing about the non-profit or service sectors. the people who are at the interface between the rubber and the road worked with the dude to try and get him up to speed and he appeared to be appreciative of the direction. then he took a sudden turn and became very hostile to everyone. so we organized a mutiny. as we were delivering the letter to the ceo ond asking to speak frankly with him, we all got meeting requests with jack (ceo) and michael for a couple of days later, and all individually. we all know what that means. luckily, since a mutiny is usually 'it's him or it's us' we were all prepared to leave anyway and mostly already had other jobs lined up (or our feelers out). the lack of professionalism involved on the side of the administration during this whole fiasco is the subject of a much longer post or a face-to-face conversation with whoever hasn't heard this story before.

so it was friday and i didn't have no job. what do you think i did? yeah.

later, once i got techbridge to do what it was their legal requirement to do upon termination of a job, i went down to the dol and got on the dol. they made it appear very sweet while i was applying, but it was not quite what it was cracked up to be. anyway, i got a couple of unemployment checks (not welfare, martin), but i quickly forgot about going in or hitting the website and telling them that i was looking for work, so they stopped paying me.

why would i not do a thing as simple as fill out a 6-blank form on a website, that i might aquire free fundage from the gubment, you might ask. we-hell, let me tell you what happened next:

first and most obvious:i am a shiftless layabout, and a forgetful one. not even free money can motivate me to do things on a schedule where T ~= 1 week. who can remember to do the same thing every week?
also obvious to the analytical and the detectives out there: i got another fucking job -- film at 11.
lastly (and this is weird), my dad had a minor stroke.

now i freaked out abou this, but dad seemed to be pretty cool about the whole thing. it was very minor, he says. the only lasting effect (which is still around, and may or may not at this point be permanent) is a field-of-vision impairment. he's lost some number of degrees on the left side. he can't tell how much of the improvement is recovery of vision and how much of it is learning to adapt to the impairment. eek. so then there's this big concern that braman motors (his employer) is going to fire him cause he can't work or get to work since he can't drive. then he doesn't have any health insurance anymore. then what does he do. so neither of us have jobs and my dad's brilliant idea is that he's going to start sending me money and i'm going to become a craftsman with his investment and start a business and we'll both get fat and rich off of that. my dad lives in a fantasy land.

so that was that freak-out. most of this was mollified by my aquisition of a new job. i now work with matt at playmotion! by greg roberts (har har). also, i work with naked-matt's-boss, which is great. greg is awesome. now that is about 10 posts worth of data. let's just say that i'm doing stuff that's leagues cooler than what i was doing at techbridge, working about 40 times as hard, and 3 times as long and it's just about the funnest thing evar. we've been doing a lot of shows and expos recently, which has been cool, but it's nice now to be calming down a little and getting back to engineering rather than being a roadie.

so that's my life over the past 6 months. it's rocking.

however, as cool as my job is, i will say that i'd much rather be in france right fucking around than here in atl working. that's my story.


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