In other news, Shannon left for South America today. This time she made it from ATL to Miami to Venezuela to Ecuador. She has a friend in Quito, Ecuador that she used to teach with who is willing to come get her at the airport (which is really nice in 3rd world countries) and Shannon is going to stay with the friend for a spell while she plans what she is going to see in Ecuador. The problem is that Shannon was on a flight to Guayaquil which from the map you can see is nowhere near Quito. So, this is a problem. She is calling the airline and they are already closed. She is calling her friend to say where are you (earlier, before she realized what happened) and the friend is saying "I'm walking around but I don't see you." What a cluster fuck. She had a bording pass for Quito and they shuffled her on the wrong flight in Venezuela. This is the same airline that sent her bag to Columbia (note: not in the aforementioned itinerary) while she was still in Atlanta. So, it looks like she will be sleeping in the airport in the sketchy port town of Guayaquil and be on a flight first thing in the morning to Quito.
Oh boy, what fun. I can't wait to go. Speaking of which, I'm going to Chigcago on the 16th (day before Ted's wedding) and that is the last time I plan to be in ATL this year. So, if you fuckers want to do anything (like play games and shower me with attention) then soon is the time to do this. I packed my bag up for the trip and it contains all my shit reasonably well. It seems heavier than it ought to be, but I will weigh it at the Robot Factory tomorrow (17 kg is the target weight).
My sister gets back on the 5th of Sept. She has been gone for a while. That means that I will once again be homeless. I may stay with the rental's for a spell (close to GTRI) or crash on the Robot Factory couch until I depart.
That's it from my camp.